For a full three-person tent experience with inner/outer etc. it's not terrible, the Naturehike/Lanshan versions are around that too.
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004609363809.html -
If anyone is looking for a Pizza Rack light bracket, I used this one from Printables coupled with the services of @KDense here. Rock solid bouncing around the North Downs this weekend!
Any recommendations for a QR 1 1/8" carbon fork, straight steerer, rim brake?
My first stop would be Hylix but they've only got 1" QR and a fugly disc brake combo.
That's a Hite Rite, an precursor to the dropper:
Anyone put newer u-brakes on their retro MTB? Wondering if they'll be in any way better than the ones on there currently.
It's a lot better than you might think, despite the busy frontend.
Start here - https://www.aliexpress.com/store/1102517457?spm=a2g0o.detail.0.0.64c81c66WnYQUK&sortType=bestmatch_sort
It is the "Outer Pocket" if I'm not mistaken https://www.ortlieb.com/uk_en/outer-pocket+F91S
Spotted this near work, and thought "that's loooong?" Turns out it's a 450 SEL 6.9, not many of them about. It needed 12 litres of oil 😅