- Malaysian (chubby size)
- Spenceey (less chubby size)
- T4 (tall girl/long torso size)
- georgepoolman (for work size)
- b&d (scrawny fucker medium)
- XH (Adonis size)
- EEI (size to be confirmed)
- Nigel182 (Large or maybe's XL)
- b'jammin (super size)
- harold (roni size)
- Lolabelle (Girls M)
- laner
- hoefla (S/M)
- Socialamnesia (M)x2 - possibly more if the design looks good.
- Kirth (L i guess?)
- GBC (L at a guess)
- Dom (L?)
- CYOA (L)
- Crumb (skinny M)
- Eamesy (L)
- Umop3pisdn (m)
- Malaysian (chubby size)
3rd dibs t-shirt?