I would advise against a telescope at that age.
Minimum price for something worthwhile is 250 to 300.
A much better bet would be a decent, 80-100 quid pair of binoculars and a monopod.
A decent automatic telescope is going to be 500 to 1000, so unless you know how to get the best out of a telescope I'd steer clear for a few years.
If the 7 year old is really into space then just learning the constellations, the planets and the motion of the moon should be pretty fun. " I spy " do a good stargazing book.
Same happened at Islington's attempt last week to engage democratically. Apparently 4 or 5 anti ltn attendees were aggressively shouting down any support or even neutral enquiry.
Quite how 4 or 5 people get to dictate these things is beyond me, the police just seem to want to spend as little effort as possible.
Except offside is difficult to measure, when the discrepancy is smaller than the measurement uncertainty then you can't know if it's offside. Therefore marginal calls cannot ultimately be decided by either linesman or VAR. So let's stop fucking around with all the negatives given the impossibility of having a perfect system.
Stellarium is my go-to desktop teaching aid. Does everything you need apart from printable sky maps.