My fixed gear bike http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4136/4764973692_1d7d612c0d_z.jpg
I was in the car on the way to a pub on Hollyhead road this eve. Saw first SS on Allesly old road, heading into town. It was dark and couldn't really see, but a guy riding what looked a bit old school, with flats/old risers and a chain guard. Again, too dark and murky to really get any detail.
Second was another retro looking machine on the way back from the pub. This time on the Hollyhead road, turning right up Four Pounds Avenue. Bit more of a "fixie" look, with chrome drops. Again, riding SS, not fixed.
First time I've seen any other SS/FG around, and both in one night :)
Maybe me? I used to have a ss originally greeny gold then powdercoated sky blue, frame snapped eventually :(
I have a Middlemores saddle so I find these interesting. All the types that Brooks made, Middlemore did similar versions. They started off in Little Park Street in the late 1800s as Middlemore And Lamplugh and became Middlemores in 1919, around 1953 they moved to Torrington Avenue and existed to maybe 1990.
Does anyone know exactly where in Torrington Avenue and if the building still exists?