It hurts, but the only real possibility of getting a genuine green presence near the mayors office was to vote tactically.
Voted green on everything but the mayoral first choice... Here's hoping the dismally low turnout works against boris.It makes no difference to the Boris percentage which way round you vote so I went Green 1st, Ken 2nd.
As someone on my facebook feed said:
"The only thing worse than the sense of self-loathing you get from voting for Ken Livingstone is the sense of self-loathing you get from voting for Ken Livingstone, coupled with the stomach churning certainty that you're going to get Boris Johnson regardless."
:( -
I think it's these. Not positive as I was sat on the beach, and didn't go to purchase said fish and chips.
We were told to go there by someone in Hastings, who claimed there are no decent fish and chip shops in Hastings.
Oh that place is (or at least used to be) quite good - much better than the overrated/overpriced Blue Dolphin in Hastings, which is the one people have heard of.
Some superstar went into the back of me on Bishopsgate this morning after I had been stopped for quite some time, waiting for a black cab also displaying exemplary road awareness.
Not sure what was worse - the streams of cyclists mounting the pavement to get round the car, or the fact that not only had he blocked the entire cycle path but was half into a hashed keep clear box.
I just think a mass 'Go Slow In Primary' response is on really dodgy ground. I'm not sure it's ever a good idea to deliberately ride badly.
There is already a belief that cyclists ride 'in the middle of the road' and slowly because they're self-righteous bumholes (rather than because they're trying to survive the journey to work). Let's not fuel that misconception.
Who decides what 'slowly' is though? I ride in Primary in bus lanes because a) I avoid all the shit in the gutter, b) it gives leeway in both directions to avoid last-minute hazards (ie. pedestrians stepping out) c) it means I don't have to adjust my line much to overtake slower people hugging the kerb and d) it avoids encouraging legitimate lane users to overtake inappropriately. Relatively speaking I'm going quite fast but to a car wanting to sit on the 30mph limit, it's probably too slow. Added to that the fact that if I can see a light ahead is red I'll cruise up to save energy/brakes/etc.
It's very difficult to explain to most drivers why it is sometimes necessary to ride in the primary position.
If you start using it to 'punish' drivers you have started something you can't control.
The idea of using it in that way would infuriate many, and the rumour (of this use) could be picked up and spread widely.
It would make defending legitimate use of riding in the primary position more difficult than ever.Drivers who shouldn't be in the bus lane in the first place...
Keep seeing a messenger round Bishopsgate who looks like Lenny Kravitz (sunglasses and all) riding a sparkling silver lo-pro with chrome drops and Miche cranks. Coolest motherfucker you'll ever see. Maybe even too cool for this forum...?
I see him a lot on my commute - generally between broadway market and Bishopsgate in the morning but occasionally heading north over southwark bridge in the evening. He RLJs like a boss.
My knowledge of pneumophysiology is pretty amateur, but I'm guessing that it's not crap in your lungs.
It could just be exercise induced inflammation, because your lungs aren't used to doing what you're suddenly asking them to do.
Hm, so I take it the answer is HTFU and do more laps. Fortunately I've forgotten the pain already haha!
If you've smoked, you're never going to have the same lung function as if you had not smoked.
Giving up smoking certainly delivers real, measurable, and immediate benefit, but there will always be lasting and permanent damage. How much damage depends on how much was smoked.
The lungs are like sponges - Smoking turns them into coarser sponges.
I had a go at Swains Lane for the first time yesterday and immediately developed some sort of mucousy cough. I gave up smoking about two years ago but I'm wondering if there's still shit in the bottom of my lungs as that is probably the most extreme workout they've had since...
That's what I thought but then why leave the seatpost and risk an unpleasant surprise?