HR are still a bunch of useless fucking windbags though.
It always worries me when some firms use HR to conduct the first round of interviews. I know it's just to check you turn up in a suit and dont end the interview by flinging shit at the walls but I honestly believe the average HR bod would struggle to differentiate between a high achiever and a mentally deficient cretin who left a trail of faeces on his walk to the office.
You would need more than just an inexperienced trader - you would need an inexperienced front office, middle office, back office, risk, finance and compliance.
Yet this does still happen.
It only really takes front office to make the mistake and middle office (or back office depending on the setup) to not question it for this to occur.
Risk and compliance will of course have controls in place to prevent such an obvious error but as ever, this will just be a ticked box and nothing more. Why would finance affect this? It would be too late by the time they're involved.
I dont play video games, I dont know why I bought this.
It's a slim Xbox 360 with 250gb hard drive, one wireless controller and all the leads including hdmi. It's matt black rather than gloss black.
Comes with games as well; Deus Ex, Forza Motorsport 4, Halo 3 and Red Dead Redemption.
Pics on request but they all the look the same and this is mint (bought 3 months ago, it's not been unpacked from the original box since I moved two months ago).
£130. Pickup from Stratford or Canary Wharf, whoever turns up first with the cash gets it, no dibs.
Those cranks are absolutely awesome - no way could they look ugly! But are they super safe?
I would question this as well.
The amount of metal at the pedal end of the crank is scary. I've seen cranks snap there / get stress fractures near the threads over on WeightWeenies and I've always thought for the sake of a few grams manufacturers have vastly reduced the strength at a vital point.
Fair enough then.
The formula is really simple, to be honest. Booze strips out the B vitamins really quickly, along with various other bits and bobs, but The Fear is caused by long term dips in B12. Lack of B12 and other B vitamins (as well as low iron) can make you feel knackered and listless as well as feeling depressed, which is how I feel the day after a big session.
I'm taking these:
Every day, bolstered by extra Methyl B12 supplements and an added dose of iron. An extra dose of vitamin C can't do any harm, as this helps the absorption of the iron.
It works for me, so far, but can't guarantee results. Give it a pop!
Quoted to bring this potential hangover cure to a new page.
I can deal with normal hangovers, but it's the random, unexpected and completely unfair ones that sneak up and destroy me for two days that I can't handle.
If these vitamins stop that happening then I'm happy. If they stop hangovers entirely then I will blame my new found alcoholism on GL and take legal proceedings accordingly.
dumba01, I assume you searched having found this old thread - surprised you didnt stumble across this thread; http://www.lfgss.com/newpostinthread123.html
Might be better putting your post in there.
- Draper 34570 Ratchet 3/8" 10-80Nm, £17 (how can it be this cheap?)
I'm wondering this as well. I bought this wrench for working on my car, have only used it once - no idea how accurate it is.
The instructions state that it must be calibrated by a professional. A few reviews online said that straight out of the box the Draper was accurate when compared to calibrated wrenches.
- Draper 34570 Ratchet 3/8" 10-80Nm, £17 (how can it be this cheap?)
To the cop shop with you, now. It's an offence just to have something like that, let alone threaten someone with it.
What's the point? Police never do anything to help those that need it.
Anyway, he was in a silver Mk 4 Golf, one of the most common cars on the road, and I stupidly didn't get his registration after the shock of being threatened with a knife.
I thought I'd take advantage of a day off work and head out into Essex - I'm in Stratford - on the road bike.
Towards the end of the ride - cut short because traffic was shit - a Golf overtakes just as we approach a traffic island, he realises his error and swerves towards me to avoid it. I was left with about three inches between my wheel and the kerb and his wing mirror drifting in front of my right elbow. I shout 'fucking hell, move you cunt' into his open passenger window, hoping to not die. I was terrified for five seconds or so, until we passed the traffic island and he speeded up.
He stops hard and jumps out. He's screaming about something and holding what looks like a small wooden bat. I roll past him in the other lane.
As I assume he's now going to chase me I ride up on the empty pavement and slow down. He pulls alongside, up a drive, and cuts me off. I dismount and ask him politely through the passenger window 'what the fuck are you doing mate?', he responds, explaining he was upset at my swearing and was rather intent on murdering me for it. In hindsight, the level of profanity in his explanation was somewhat ironic.
I apologise, and explain it was only a result of him nearly killing me. His tone changes and he claims he did no such thing, I explain in detail what happened from my perspective and why it's so dangerous to overtake a cyclist with an obstruction ahead. It was very civil.
He kindly accepts my apology and pulls the 'bat' up from the lap of the blonde sitting in the passenger seat. It's a brown leather knife sheath about a foot long, he takes out a hunting knife and leans over pointing it at me. He says that under the circumstances he will ignore what I had said, but on any other day he'd of 'cut me into little fucking pieces pal'.
He leans back, reverses out and drives off.
Nice chap.
I lie to taxi drivers, creating a whole new identity and life each time.
I always do this.
I used to be a waiter and honed my skills of making up nonsense on the spot by telling each table of guests a different background story during the vapid conversation that occurs whilst I'm pouring their water / wine.
On topic; my pub bike is a Create and I dont ride it fixed. In fairness the only original parts are the frame and rear wheel as everything else disintegrated during normal use.
Fun? In the economy & banks thread?
Fuck. Right. Off.