No criticism of Rob, but he has some shit customers. Apart from his own bikes, I can't remember seeing one where I knew what it was for.
Also a repost from 2 months ago
apart from that hipster commuter cockpit what's wrong with that yellow one?
^^ you are a shameless Raphawhore though.
For sure the pink gilet is visible.. I think I have just seen too many fat middle aged men wearing it whilst pushing black Colnagos around outside Condor.
there is a bit of an off putting stereotype in the cyclist that shows up to rides every now and then looking mint in all new sparkling rapha attire. I guess that's part of the backlash you have to deal with in this type of branding
2 folks at Angel polling cyclists on RLJing. Comparing police officers carrying out orders and fining cyclists to nazi officers carrying out Hitler's vision. Bit dubious about the comparison but sound guys nonetheless.
4 Police officers on the kingsland/dalston junction crossing. All interested in anything but the car stopped 15 feet past the lights with its rear wheels in the bike box and the rest on top of the yellow no stop pattern.
why das when you can defoul