This junction is awful. I got hit by a car here last year as he cut across the cycle lane without looking/definately looked and decided to try and race me which resulted in me flipping over the top of the car. Luckily wasn't badly injured.
Whenever I'm there I never use the cycle lane. Always stay on the road. A few motorists might get a bit annoyed at me but at least I'm still breathing.
The French flag diarrheaed all over this Gazelle Champ..
Your spelling ability shat all over the word diarrhoea.
yeah sorry, it's my beater. It's not a rat, it's about a year n a half old for me and the blokey I bought it off had it for 4 months. It does about 20-40 miles a day depending on where I have to be for work. Not all the stickers are new, just that layer. The others I stuck on it from the start were coming off so I upgraded the theft-proofing. The front end of it is a bit more shiny though cause I got ploughed into by a van a couple of months back and obliterated the original wheel and brake and snapped the forks. I'm intending to match the rear wheel sometime this summer. Thanks for the yuck daylight, means my theft-proofing is working!
Well actually there was a theory put forward as to the 'ideal windmill' in the twenties by Wilhelm Hoff. It's in the nasa archives, just google it. So that one actually exists.... So yes, the centrifugal force claim is my biggest foible.
In the words of public enemy, "you're quite hostile".