Side wall of the Royal College Barber, 154 Royal College Street, London NW1 0TAhttp://www.steamlondon.com/FTP/Temp/Bike_Tag_07a.jpg
This ride was just pure awesome even getting lost was kinda fun. Thank you so much for all the chats and info and the sights. That Moon, still getting giddy like a schoolboy just remembering!
I am so torn between being polite or putting my name down for the next one.
What a lovely bunch of people, what a lovely lead, what a lovely ride.
Thanks all round! Marko.
Firstly, hope you're ok and heal up soon.
Now that your head is clear, write everything down and keep writing. Including witness contact details; police involvement/report; expenses (including loss of earnings); your condition and state of mind...
There may be repercussions with this injury that are ongoing and you might not be able to anticipate yet. Like post above do contact solicitors/insurance as they will have advice that will prove invaluable. As well as the accident thread which is a great resource.
Don't rush. Don't feel guilty for contacting people whose job it is to deal with situations like this. And main thing again - heal up.
The Official TEAM LFGSS line up folks as at 9.46 am ...
Keep on adding your name so we all know who to look out for on the pave
and alps of Babylon-don
Give thanks,
Tim- BareNecessities
- IvanSkavinsky
- hairnetnic
- pootsmanouva
- IndraRipper
- almac68
- JAH tim
- TooTallTim
- smiff
- torker
- villa-ru
- mands
- Andrew
- Ludd
- Hoke (with no spokez)
- Pavéwell
- fussballclub
- Thomas
- Thomas' +1
- Temp
- Oliver Schick
- Cazakstan
- cake
- owenreed
- nurseholliday
- desouz
- tonyme
- mini Skully
- maxi Skully
- Ultracrepidarian
- HoKe
- 6pt tbc
- jonny
- Murrance
- Polka Dot
- vunugu
- Dammit
- laner
- T4
- Davehmercer
- A Owl (never met any forum folks, be nice to say hello...)
- Temp + 1
A friend decided to join in, he is not on here so I'm dropping my name in again with +1. If I got it wrong please let me know?
- BareNecessities
The Official TEAM LFGSS line up folks as at 9.46 am ...
Keep on adding your name so we all know who to look out for on the pave
and alps of Babylon-don
Give thanks,
Tim- BareNecessities
- IvanSkavinsky
3.hairnetnic - pootsmanouva
- IndraRipper
- almac68
- JAH tim
- TooTallTim
- smiff
- torker
- villa-ru
- mands
- Andrew
- Ludd
- Hoke (with no spokez)
- Pavéwell
- fussballclub
18.19. Thomas +1 - Temp
Registered and excited.
(scary how out of context even the simplest things can be read wrong) - BareNecessities
RIP rider, thoughts with family and friends.