Tried it but didn't seem to have the Clarence. The fly garnishing my shit sandwich was that I fugged the thread in the process. Still love the idea. It's just my execution that needs arranging.
EDIT: fixed the threads this way: https://youtu.be/pfPm1W89TO0
To the Sudafed respondents: bless you / thanks. I was of course using Sudocrem but I was smearing it on the pad (of paper that I keep in the pocket of my shorts) rather than applying it directly to my bodty. I thought I read somewhere that that was the technique. I'll give the other way a try next time out.
Trudging the dog this evening, I encountered a car parked (by a driver) totally blocking the pavement. VW Scirocco or something. Some kind of new fangled off road vehicle, clearly. No doubt the driver thinks of themself as being most considerate (to other drivers). Makes me want to scratch their eyes out and shit in their radiator vents.
Later on our loop I observed a car driver driving their vehicle slowly over a traffic calming bit of road just behind a bird standing in the carriageway. There were no other vehicles being driven or ridden on this stretch of road at the time. The driver was proceeding at about 5mph but the bird didn't take off, so the driver just drove straight over it and killed the fucker. Using the horn in every situation except where it might actually be appropriate (regardless of what the highway code might have to say about that). I closed my eyes for a couple of seconds and shook my head. I'd like to have thrown a brick at their fucking car.
Did my first audax. 200km of flat Lincolnshire roads, but with added hellish head breezes on neverendless soul destroying straight stretches out towards the coast. Zero prep but it was a piece of piss even though I was carrying way too much heavy stuff and having some borderline Paula Radcliffe moments. I had to stop and make sure I hadn't followed through at one point. Saw someone with LMNH branding on their something or other.
Constant clicking that sounds to me like I imagine loose spokes would sound, but it only happens when the bike is thoroughly wet. I'm taking it in to the LBS tomorrow but, as it's making no such noise now, I don't know what good that's going to do.
Edit: photo is a link to a flickr video of the bike making that noise.