Just like asbestos really, it's still a great product for what it was designed for but now it costs you a grand to get a sheet of it taken off a roof. You could quite happily lick that sheet of asbestos and nothing would happen to you, paranoia is awesome for jacking up prices though.
Anyway back on topic has anyone got stung by import tax yet? does the packaging that it comes in actually declare its true value or is it the typical hong kong labelled as a gift style deal?
Your wait is over.
I was thinking more like when the asbestos link gets to the point where the government decide you need a special licence to handle or dispose of carbonfibre. #lovethenannystate
Ive always thought it was a bit strange that no company has made a cast or hydroformed headbadge that functions as a bottle opener. not unlike that coventry eagle badge, but with the beak open instead.
sod that, just mount one of these in the place of the headbadge...that said there are so many bits of bike you can open a bottle on theres no real point.
No, there probably hasn't ever been a totally clean tour. That's not a reason to presume everyone is cheating.
Cav is winning. If he's winning clean, explain why 'he needs to get on them.'
You like Pendleton simply because you fancy her.
Nuts/Sunday Sport>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
1.true true
2.it was a joke
3.once again true, although i fancy her not only because she is hot but because she comes across as very down to earth in all the interviews i've ever seen.- didn't they stop printing the sport?
I think it's safe to assume that the last clean Tour winner was Lemond in 1990.
I agree it was good that Riis owned up - he went up in my estimation then as it would have been very easy for him to use the "I never tested positive" defence.
Well seen as even coppi admitted to being doped up, saying himself that you don't win bike races with just mineral water...It makes me wonder if there has ever been a properly clean tour.
If everyone is cheating, is it really cheating? If Cav isn't on the drugs he needs to get on them! I like the guy he brings some colour to proceedings, but that said...best uk cyclist? Pendleton by far
i think the frejus on ebay is after pretty much the asking price, its already been through on ebay once and didn't meet the reserve. Now his buy it now with make me an offer is pretty close to what he wants i think.
There is an 80's legnano for 120+50 euros shipping buy it now, but by the 80s they weren't really proper legnanos...and like you've already said it's not what you are after.