think I will stick with a smaller MTB style glove.
Ive been wearing dakine gloves for nearly 6 months of polo and held up pretty well, got em for ridding DH originally but pretty good for polo as well.
Just a quick up date, as our newer team has 4 players we have decided that for the open we will allow teams to have a sub who can be used at anytime during games.
Also we would like to give a big thanks to MAGIC BIKE POLO http://magicbikepolo.com/
who are supporting the open and suppling prizes -
At the moment as this is our inaugural tournie, the open is aimed as more of a fun event and working with time constraints and only one court wanted to keep no.s at a max whilst still being concious of time. (we would like to start 10/10.30 and be done by 7/8pm latest)
we would ideally like a spread of teams from across the UK scene and european if they would like to travel. We didnt realise we would have this much interest so early on when we decided format.
View of court in video (excuse crudness)
Canterbury City Cycle Polo January Edit - Bike Polo - YouTube
and pics here http://www.facebook.com/groups/200658156662762/Also think court can be made available for sunday throw ins as well but would need to confirm
Canterbury City Open 22nd September 2012
After much discussion The CCCP are proud to announce their first tournament.
Canterbury Currently has a fully boarded 5-aside football court with use of floodlights.
Format for the Tourney will be 16 teams.
5 8min swiss rounds followed by a single elim final. Final games to be 10 min+ schedule dependant. All games will also be unlimited goals.Hopefully with a BBQ and after party (yet to be confirmed)
Registration will cost £15 per team. Teams will be allowed 4 members (3 on court 1 sub(subs can be made between games or if a mechanical/injury occurs)
**Registration will begin as of 1st September. Teams on the interest list will have priority with payment dead line being 23.59 on Friday 7th september. Open registration will then begin. Payment should be made via paypalgift to d.p.weale@live.co.uk with teamname and members in messages/info
Or register here please http://hardcourtbikepolo.org/polo/main/tournament/82.html **
The youth centre will also hopefully be open for tourney goers to use their facilities and cafe during the day.
Keep your eyes peeled for more information, but for now register your interest by forming an orderly list below
http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=Riverside+Youth+Centre,+Kingsmead+Road,+Canterbury&hl=en&sll=52.8382,-2.327815&sspn=8.08612,14.128418&oq=riverside+youth&t=h&hq=Riverside+Youth+Centre,&hnear=Kingsmead+Rd,+Canterbury,+K ent,+United+Kingdom&z=16
The CCCP would like to thank in advance our sponsors
BIKETART.COM - http://www.biketart.com/
MAGIC BIKE POLO - http://magicbikepolo.com/And the Riverside youth center.
Registered teams
1) The Commies
2) Yomoyo
3) Grasslickers
4) Kiss My Grass
5) Schnick Schnack Schnuck
6) Sandbaggers
7) Red alert
8) Pony Pony Roll Roll
9) Be.Right.On
10) Spring Break
11) H-Bomb & The Atoms
12) Cosmic
13) Sons of Jor-El -
am i being special or does this not work?
There is a proper campsite about a mile along the road at a place called Housedean Farm. £8pppn... but there is a shower and you're allowed fires.
Canterbury are booked in there if anyone else wants to join us, if you say your playing polo they lump pitches together from sound of it.
- Gettin wild.
- Cambridge team 1
- What a Mess (cams)
- Hackney Goal Slutters
- Dr.
- Yomoyo
- Be Right On
- Skull Attack
- 5G
- Bubonic Plays
- Passed It
- Horizontal Drop-outs
- Thumbboy 3 (Name and lineup TBC)
- Killer Queens
- iLL Pigs
- Cambridge 3 (team name tbc)
- Convicts
- Dino's
- Rule of Thirds
- Hacked Off
- Maximum Power
- Sensible
- Le BigMac
Unfortunately The Commies are out for Cambridge
- Gettin wild.
not sure how close this one is to the courts if anyone interetsed
just realise left my spare mallet and water bottle in cmabridge, if any one ssee em can they put em to one side till the ns round please.
bottle is as 750ml green gatorade bottle. possibly left out side or at back of court(near beer table).
mallet is a blue 3pmh cheater head on a chrome shaft with big rubber end cap and white dunlop grip tape. weighs a tonne.
How long are games at this point, need to time sneaking out back at work