My old 241, first proper road bike. Ridden it for quite a few years now through all kinds of weather and over plenty of gravel. Really is 2-4-1, geddit?
Fits 25s and raceblades for wet days (they sort of work). Love this bike. You won't regret going for LOOK though there is always a nagging sense of "what if" regarding the alu lugs/carbon tubes thing...
What's the preferred photo album sharing site/app out there? I'm not a Facebook user (and not particularly a fan of their albums thing), Flickr is impossible to log in to and cr*p, Google Drive is a bit "business", Dropbox is simply no...
I've searched about a bit but nothing looks particularly good. Had expected VSCO to have made something by now but seems they're still only app-based.
Any advice much appreciated
Saw it over the weekend and had high hopes – left pretty let down. There were some good moments but overall it was pretty boring.
TFA was criticised for re-hashing ANH and ESB (which is fair enough), but it still totally felt like a Star Wars film, the camerawork and effects, while obviously CGd, still had some sort of charm to them. Remember how good that sequence was where the hi-jack the Falcon on Jakku and take out the Tie fighters while flying through that burnt out Star Destroyer?
I didn't find anything in this film reached this. There weren't enough lightsabers and what there was seemed somehow boring.
Overall far too many WTF moments:
- Flying Leia. Already pointed out but still!
- Snoke. Not enough back-story, finished off far too easily. Left us nothing there.
- Kylo Ren. Bad. Good. Bad again. Bit quick to flip-flop.
- Where were/Who are the Knights of Ren? Were they the guys dressed in red who all let each other get chopped down one after the other when Ren was a good guy for a few minutes?
- Rey's parents. Dragged out for another film or are we satisfied they were just nobodies (in terms of the story)?
- Use of the force in general, it's all over the place. Example that spring to mind: Yoda's ghost able to hit Luke with his stick
- What was that whole casino planet bit about?! I'm sure everyone is a fan of Benicio del Toro but still.... was this the "Trump is evil" part?
- Luke dusting off his shoulder (IMO most annoying of all the shit jokes)
- Last scene, Harry Potter?
I'm sure there's more but that'll do. I've probably come across a bit more negative there than I mean to. I just really wanted it to be better as I felt TFA set the scene quite brilliantly.
Will give it another watch with family over Xmas, maybe it'll seem better on 2nd viewing.
- Flying Leia. Already pointed out but still!
Will let you know about the reach too.