opening a bike mechanics shop in stratford looking for a couple of experienced mechanics and possibly also someone with experience in teaching cycle mechanics, these roles will start for early next year but it would be nice to meet up with anybody that would be interested, looking for experienced guys who are willing to progress through an organisation that has passion and really takes this business seriously. please email me on kevin@bykeclinic.co.uk or call 07774475526
I am a recent student at a maintenance cycle academy in East London and i am trying to get some experience in the repair and maintenance of cycles of all kinds, dont mind working as an apprentice or a lower level mechanic as i skill up, very enthaustic, and have loads of common sense. I am based in the East end of london but can work anywhere in london. If your interested in a extra pair of hand contact professorazzah@hotmail.co.uk
Are the rims still available?