really?! but it looks so real! ;P
just because it's a render now, doesn't mean it won't be used as the basis to create yet another kickstarter shitbike project.
nobody wants another cyclotron
for anyone that's interested, i sent my roll of velvia slide film off to exposure film lab - looks like they've only been doing E-6 since july, but prices seemed pretty keen and it looks like they provide decent high res scans.
no idea what's on the roll as i can't remember shooting any film for probably 7 years. just found this one at the back of my drawer in the office.
i'll post up any interesting shots (if anything comes out at all)exciting! :D
i've come to realise that this is a thread about privelege, and we should all sell our bikes and donate the money to https://worldbicyclerelief.org/
i have a love / hate thing going on with my caad12.
i love the way it looks and the way it rides when i actually ride it, but i've fallen out of love with road riding at the moment so it's taking up space.
i think a lot of this was to do with being off the bike for a few months and fitness dropping off while my riding mates were prepping for a long distance event so i felt like i couldn't ride with them as i'd be holding them back.
my caad is tentatively up for sale, but i'll probably regret selling it when spring/summer rolls around next year (which is maybe why i've been so shit at getting a proper for sale ad sorted)
made use of the repair stand at a co-op this morning to pull a bit of glass out of my tyre.