Whole cut fake terrazzo
what is whole cut fake terrazzo?
@hugo7 terrazzo is everywhere and has been for decades
I actually just want Farringdon station's floor
We're also finalising plans for our bathroom, we've gone for a sort of coral/terracotta tile + white tiles for the walls and are wondering what best to pair with for the floor. Not sure if off-white/grey floor tiles will look odd against the also slightly off-white wall tiles. The coral tiles are going to be used either on one wall with the bath or inside the shower.
Feel like size of the floor tiles will also be important, either smaller or larger than whats on the wall. White hexagon tiles are an option we've considered but unsure.
Ideas on how to box this in while keeping the boiler accessible?
Due to the boiler being so close to the window the boxed in cabinet would need to stop short of the window sill then use a filler piece scribed around the window sill under. The hinged cover for the controls will just have to go.
If we use a hinged door, due to the hinge depths, the door will be slightly in front of the window.
Trying to think of other attachment methods that doesn't involve unscrewing it each time we need access. Too heavy for magnets I think.
went down the allotment and pretty much everything had been decimated by slugs, apart from kale and Spinach.
Think I was somewhat naive how many more slugs there are at the allotment vs garden. I killed 50+ slugs while there.
Thankfully I have extras of pretty much everything so Ill let them grow on a bit longer and get stronger first.
Is it worse first year when getting rid of overgrown areas?
all of that, I would just add:
- check for any waste that would need disposing of, might be under mountains of weeds
- any weed membrane will be a nightmare to remove
- when I got my plot, a week later I found out that horse manure gets dropped off on the other side of the allotment and so its about a 10 min round trip for a whellbarrow of muck.
- size, you might get offered a half or full plot, how much time do you want to commit to it?
Im not sure I would have changed my plot anyway as the others were overrun with brambles which would be a much bigger task than the nettles and grass on mine.
- check for any waste that would need disposing of, might be under mountains of weeds
Here's the site rep pointing at my plot, and where he actually is on the map
The rhubarb at front of shot is in a raised bed that runs the length of the red area which probably caused the confusion for the site rep. The previous owner of 110a was using the red area so hopefully it will be ok to carry on using it. Does mean I'm a bit behind looking after my actual plot.