If you actually listen to whats being said the reporter quite clearly tell him they're are a middle eastern TV station.
The reason he's confused about the logo is because its very similar to the local council's logo, hence why he asks why the logo's all over his town.Epic fail on me then. I must stop multitasking, streaming pr0n and attempting to keep up to date with current affairs just don't mix.
click the link i posted, it's a middle eastern tv channel, and he's obviously seen their logo around. Shame he's a knob, if he was to ask the reporter where Presstv was based and what their take was on the subject he'd come across better. I prefer his mate with the flag though, he made me laugh, mosques in Mecca... Ice to Ekimos (non offensive, some of my best friends are Inuit)
I'd be laying the smackdown in Blockbuster fo'sho.