Any idea why my stages pm has stopped showing speed on my garmin? Calibrating as normal and power and cadence are showing as normal. Not sure if connected but have just started using a new turbo trainer. Speed shows on the garmin when connected to the turbo pm (wahoo kickr). Haven't changed any settings on the garmin as far as I'm aware.
You also use Zwift with that set up and that gives you some more options if you want to do some 'free rides', events, races etc. Zwift has quite a lot of training plans now as well so I'm sure there would be something suitable. Should say you'll probably get a better experience if you do get some kind of laptop, tablet though.
https://www.cleva-uk.com/products/vacmaster-air-mover. TRAINERROAD10 will give you a 10% discount. There is a remote one but that's more expensive.
I've got the one that has the key which I think may be a bit thinner and lighter compared to the one you've posted there. Took it with me on TCR a couple of years ago and never used it once but it was good to have just in case.
Pretty unlikely but if your bike is going to get stolen it's probably more likely to be in the UK compared to pretty much anywhere else. Like @skinny I pretty much always bring the bike inside and in some cases will actually just wheel the bike around with me if the supermarket is massive and I can't see it clearly. In my experience people rarely question it and also never ask anyone for permission because you'll inevitably make it 'a thing'.
Cheers @frank9755. Pretty sure a few others applied on here?
Triple whammy of paying a fortune for the fare