Isn't a metal cable tie just a jubilee clip (hose clip)? If so, every hardware shop will have one, though you'd need a screwdriver to take it off.-
http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?q=jubilee+clip&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=11658249032225629076&sa=X&ei=fnh1UJbgAeS40QWVzIHwBg&ved=0CC0Q8gIwAQYou can buy re-useable cable ties (plastic) from most hardware shops. They don't last forever, as eventually the mechanism dies, but they would last a good while and are quick and easy.
http://www.maplin.co.uk/releasable-cable-ties-333?c=maplin&utm_source=gcs&utm_medium=gcs_search&utm_campaign=PE84F&utm_content=Cable+TiesOtherwise you could get velcro ones I suppose -
http://www.audiospares.com/product.php?productid=1447hmmmmmm......... I seem to be kind of talking myself into buying a set of these lights..... :-/
I've done this a couple of times.
Note there is a difference in converting a freehub and freewheel.
A freehub (cassette - which you don't have) conversion, involves adding spacers either side of the rear sprocket, on the freehub, to determine your chainline, which I would say is easier than what you're going to have to do.The freewheel type (which you have) I would say is a bit trickier, but totally doable. I taught myself how to do it with the power of the interwebz. I would recommend re-dishing the wheel (which will make it a lot stronger). Then realigning the axle, as it'll be off to one side, to compensate for the 5 gears that used to be on there. You might as well regrease the hub whilst you're there (as it may not have been done for some time.) Then it is a case of measuring your chainline and moving the spacers (washers etc between locknut and cone) from one side of the hub to the other in order to match the chainline at the front. You may need to buy a bunch of extra washers which are fairly thin (1mm, 0.5mm) to swap out for the spacers that are already on there, as they may be 3mm or more, and hard to finetune the chainline with.
I found these incredibly useful - http://www.fixedgeargallery.com/columns/bobgarage/indexb.htm
I'm sure I did a load of other googling when I first did it, but bob's garage was invaluable.
Any questions, then just ask
Good luck, and have fun!
Hi im and new to the forum. Currently in my friends kitchen on Broadway Market building up an old scrapper into a fixed gear bike. Gonna be like the nightrider of bikes. Looks forward to being part of this community.
Good to have you on here Ben.... Though shouldn't you be round here cleaning this frame up, rather than just leaving it in my kitchen?
I have a 63cm Sun GT10 frame and forks for sale for £25 - http://www.lfgss.com/thread82337.html
let me know if you're interested
dibs cranks. PM coming