I’m always pretty dismayed at the lack of a UK dealer of Rivs.
or lack of any other dealer outside of the US other than bluelug in tokyo for that matter..
Haven't heard about the BRP-scheme but I think it goes hand in hand with the general ethos of running rivendell and atleast their instagram has been very BLM-active. I think it's a good initiative.
Could someone be bothered to explain, briefly if you will, the thought process that goes on behind arranging those mass gatherings and in general going against the recommendations by the government?
In the US I've heard the "lockdown and preventive measures are un-constitutional" argument as well, does this apply to the UK also?
Not in so many words no, no one one is that stupid. Instead they(companies) want stimulus packages.
Keskuskauppakamarin kyselyn mukaan kriisi on koetellut yrityskenttää rajusti. Kolmella neljästä yrityksestä kriisi on jo supistanut liikevaihtoa. Lähes 90 prosenttia yrityksistä odottaa tilanteen jatkuvan vaikeana.
Noin 60 prosenttia yrityksistä aikoo kyselyn perusteella lomauttaa tai vähentää työntekijöitä tulevina kuukausina.
Strategiassa ehdotetaan lisäpanostuksia yritysten auttamiseksi: järjestön mukaan valtion pitäisi ottaa vastuulleen väliaikaisesti yritysten työeläke-, sairaus- ja työttömyysvakuutusmaksut. Tukitoimen hinnaksi arvioidaan noin miljardi euroa kuukaudessa.
Lisäksi Keskuskauppakamari ehdottaa suoraa tukea hallituksen päätöksistä kärsineille yrityksille, joita ovat esimerkiksi messu- ja tapahtumajärjestäjät. Heille strategiassa ehdotetaan 500 miljoonan euron tukisummaa.
Based on the ever declining amount of patients in the hospitals as well as patients in intensive care compared(since early April), the current R1=0.95 and the rising amount of people laid off added with the amount of companies struggling.
This is from today.
- 6054 infections since January 29(a chinese tourist), first confirmed Finnish citizen diagnosed with covid-19 was late February
- 275 deaths
- 152 in hospital care
- 34 in intensive care (max capacity was 480 in April 11, most likely increased since)
The graph shows the development since March 25
- 6054 infections since January 29(a chinese tourist), first confirmed Finnish citizen diagnosed with covid-19 was late February
I am not absolving the UK government of blame by any means, but I think there are a massive range of factors beyond govenrment control that are influencing outcomes across countries.
One cultural aspect which helps in Finland can be summed in a photograph that predates coronavirus(taken in 2016) and where people are waiting for a bus.
We have been masters in social distancing before it was cool.
hey hey hey,
very much fond of the lightweight socks due to their breathability and lightness..
do you guys know any similar alternatives with the same upper mesh panels that would be also nice but less pricey? Even half calf would be ok.
e: browsed throug this (https://road.cc/content/buyers-guide/best-summer-cycling-socks-221160) and they all have logos except rapha. Don't want logos in my life.. :(
i'm sure that they were kept isolated and tested before the "meeting"