didn't read all the replys but I think that as a piece of art it has maintained its value but as a frame it's close to worthless. maybe worth the 6quid someone mentioned. If you repair it you'll ruin the original paint and then it gains value as repaired 'Nago, rideable, but loses it's value as a piece of art.
By selling it broken I think it will maintain higher value than repaired but to sell at what price I have no idea. Maybe use the original price and make your mind whether it was priced according to it's value as a piece of art or as a Colnago track frame..
krnky makes quality products. Have been using their straps and the winter hat for over 2 years now and if I washed them they'd probably look like new. Next item on the buy list is their hip pouch since my current one needed stiching just after one year.
One thing they don't do is break.
plus I know Toni and he's a nice guy.. ;)
Erhm i aint sure if i am in the right forum but ill give it a try here..
I am going to build a bike for polo and riding in the winther. ive been looking at the Volume cutter v5 and the Volume trasher anyone got any thoughts about those to frames? or maybe somme ideas for other frames?? price around 180-200 pounds.
it just need to have quit big tire clearance.if you wanna play polo all you need is a frame you don't care that much about. don need to b a trick frame. brakes are optional. some play well without and some use them so brake option is useful.
you probably would do well with a frame found in the gutter. it doesn't matter whether it's a trick frame or not, what does is can you ride it or not. -
Thanks for the valuable input guys...
Don't think I'm going to sell this, doesn't seem to be any interest.
Now you know that if the price is right people are interested?
If you set a price and no one want's to buy it at that price it doesn't mean that people aren't interested. They just aren't willing to pay just that high price for it.But still it's a beautiful frame and just my size. If you decide later on to sell just the frame and shipping to finland is possible pm me the reasonable price and we'll make a deal.
I must say that it's a beautiful frame but a bit pricey. I mean that rarity is always a factor but for that price i'd probably part a c'dale track from it's owner here in Finland and that ain't no CD. most interested but wouldn't wanna pay for the fork and the CK either.. And excuse me for being a hater.
Wish I'd got in there sooner, nothing in my size now. Carbon Eagle 6's for £140?!
Does anyone have any experience of Bikeinn.com? Cheap Dominators.
http://www.bikeinn.com/bike/sidi-dominator-5/14928/p?utm_source=google_products&utm_medium=merchant&id_producte=104067got the dominator's for 124€.. quite glad.
JOPO are a finish brand of bikes. they where the only ones years ago and now they have a bit of cult followers, and they are VERY hipsters
pretty much thou the very hipster status applies only when you're a hipster riding a jopo. grandpas also riding these since they've been making these for ages..
jopo is a model of the Helkama cycling brand which also produces other types of bikes and even home appliances.. -
dibs "3-Fizik Arione black/black suede strip slight wear Kium rails -£30"