Birmingham to London in fixed gear? I am deeply impressed! And I'm not an easy man to impress! (Oh LOOK that cat has some tin foil! Amazing!)
Isn't it roughly all uphill from Milton Keynes onwards? No wonder it was a struggle... but congratulations on making it unscathed! I am slightly overawed, well done!
Have we met Bailey yet? I for one think we need to sit down with both of you and discuss everything at the next meeting. Tuesday the 5th July was it? Having riders 100% confirmed is really important at this stage in regards to promotion and getting equipment, etc sorted. Meeting minutes will be available ASAP. Matt's been working hard on sponsorship, Andy has done some amazing fundraising, Neil's doing location research, Dyf's been sorting jerseys and I'm doing lots of press stuff and gathering of equipment so other riders will need to pull some weight. Unfortunately, I've already shot off emails with details of the already confirmed riders because we can't keep waiting...we leave in little over a month!
Everybody (apart from Jeet) has bought their return flights. We're looking into campsites at the moment but we have agreed that beforehand everybody has the same set amount they can feasibly put towards equipment, etc. We all agreed that PAYG is all well and good but if someone has substantially more or less money than other people it really won't be fair on the rest of the group. You will need to factor in how much food you will be eating everyday into your budget also. (aka shitloads!)
How's your training going? Up for Bham to Ldn next Saturday 2nd July? (Neil and Matt doing it tomorrow too!) I'm also doing the Dunwhich Dynamo the 16th/17th and will be doing a back to back sleepover ride probably 6th-7th July.
writes down Shitloads... of... food. XD
Okay, don't worry. I know we're typically late to the party but Bailey and I WILL be turning up on July 5. We'll get our flights and stuff and we've been working out some sponsorships to join the group - I work at a supermarket and have good contacts online and Bailey works at a school and is getting lots of shoutouts in the local area.
Training has been a bit slow this week due to some nerve damage but it's getting better quickly and providing my new bike arrives on time, I will be coming on that ride on July 2. I'm happy to help out in aspects providing I'm not tied down by my work, because I assure you I want this to be as much as a success as you do. I am still under utter admiration for this entire project. :D
Well I missed the meeting due to being many many miles away. Just wanna let you guys know for numbers, that me and Bailey are definitely doing this. I do have a couple of questions regarding some money - ie: Have you guys already paid for Eurostar, Camps and Hostels, and Flights back, or are you doing it all on a pay-as-we-go sort of scheme?
Hope the meeting was productive and I deeply hope you didn't have hecklers, especially for such an important event. I'll chase somebody in the coming days for some additional details I may have missed, but I'm still very much on board... even if I'm still a little shy having met only a few of you very briefly only once. XD
Pardon me while I just poke my nose in here to say that England's International future is even more bleak than it's present. We really are useless. XD
I'll quickly tip my hat in the direction of any other Birmingham City fans on here, good to meet you, keep right on, etc etc - if you have anything negative, derogatory or insulting to say about Birmingham City... I've probably already said it. It's a love-hate relationship. XD I'm also a fond follower of my local non-leaguers, Solihull Moors. Indeed, I prefer a Saturday afternoon in the open spaces of Damson Park any day.
Yes, I know my timing in introducing myself to a football thread with 8 whole weeks until the start of the season is a bit tame, but I don't care! ^.^ Nice to meet y'am.
Hi guys, nice to have more people on board. Sorry if I seemed overly serious on Wednesday, I'm just very conscious of the fact we leave in less than two months. It's not a long time to get fit and train properly and I just want everyone to be on equal footing.
Just don't shout at me if I'm lingering at the back.... hides away under a table
Hey Fox, send us an email to brumtoberlin@gmail.com and we'll sort you out. 50 miles was my max until the weekend just gone so don't worry. Next meet is in 3 weeks time, however if you wanna pop to Bike Polo on a weds/sun we're all there too and I'm happy to chat to you.
E-mail sent! I will be showing up on Wednesday evening, so I'll catch you there! ^.^
Hiya guys - sorry to be all nervous-like but new forums, new peoples, all of that jazz.
I'm strongly considering taking part in this ginormous ride, but I need to know a little bit more about this daunting task (such as "Am I too fat?" XD) - when is the next meeting so I can meet some of you and find out more about the event? It's for a great cause and I have various outlets where I'm sure I can raise a fair amount of money for CRUK.
That is, of course, if I'm welcome to ride along. I'm desperately trying to build up some stamina as 50 miles a day is pushing my limits right now - but there's still plenty of time! (Note to self: buy a bike that doesn't fall apart).
Fox out!
Be on your guard - the pathway is flooded in places and has been flooded for so long the floor has turned into a sandy residue. And some puddles are a lot deeper than you think. Protip: Don't stop. XD