A twit on a shiny new phixeh blew me out at the lights today, in to a one way [wrongway] pedestrian zone too fast for a "CNUT" but I could hear the shouting as I went passed the junction [chuckling] then I was overtaken at the next lights by a lady with a very billowy dress and no bloody pants! note to self: buy helmet cam for grins.
Oops didnt even see this thread. WAC
I am, like my name suggests a fat old bloke. i like bikes, riding & building. lived in London [North & West] Brighton [lewes rd] France [Foix] and at the mo, Oxford [south] which is the not very posh bit. Was riding up hills on my granny gear and then found this forum now all my bikes are SS.
So hello! to a fforum which has had me weeping with laughter more than once.FOB
Oh yes, your nicked.