Recently moved house and managed to smash a valve in my preamp. Annoyance. It had 4 matched soviet era valves from the same manufacturer, same batch, dated 10/86. Replaced all 4 with same soviet brand, same batch dated 1/77. Not quite as sweet and detailed as the 10/86 batch, not as much big bollocks bottom and a slight hiss on the left channel. That means I got probably got lucky with my first batch and I probably have to do some tube rolling to make it sound how I want it! Got a really nice pair dated 66 which usually live in my Mullard 3-3 valve amp which could sub in if necessary.
Tickets for the homecoming ceremony in Birmingham on Thursday: https://www.utilitaarenabham.co.uk/whats-on/the-national-lotterys-paralympicsgb-homecoming
I’ve got 2 tickets but don’t really fancy driving up there. Group ride?
Splendid! Fancy sharing your recipe?
On the subject of Christmas recipes, I’d like to share the Forman’s Christmas pudding recipe which was published in the Metro decades ago. Best home made pud I’ve ever had. Very light and very zesty. I’d say though, although it’s got a lot of alcohol in, it I wouldn’t leave it raw too long before cooking. Beginning of December seems to be a good time and douse it in a generous amount of brandy or rum 👍
Yeah I looked into this a while back and it’s not straightforward but there are a couple of options. Problem with chucking them into your domestic recycling is that it’s usually sorted by hand on a big conveyor belt so it’s not very nice for the workers to find sharps like kitchen knives whizzing past. Knife amnesty box at the local police station is the best option but obvs relies on having an actual local nick you can walk into. Metal recycling at the tip I’m pretty sure is just shredded and sorted by machine, so little or no risk to workers. And you can at least ask someone there if that’s the best place or if they have a sharps box. Another good suggestion when I got rid of my last lot was to take a file or grinder to the cutting edge and the tip to basically make it useless as a knife before disposal. Then it can’t harm anyone whatever you do with it 👍
Has anyone here managed to get a Chromecast to work without a WiFi network? I’m trying to cast from my iPhone using the iPhone’s 4G/5G and the Chromecast’s guest mode. I cannot get the two to talk though :/