After a minor tantrum in the Cycle Surgery on Pentonville Road (spending the day/shopping with your mother will do that to a girl, make you regress) turns out they had my size in Victoria! I ARE SO HAPPY!
Pair of Sidi Dominators for £26. Win!
Ok...so how do you know where/how you're supposed to position the cleats, with the slide-y plate and variable placement erm places? Is it just trial and error as to what feels comfortable?
Ms Poots, how on earth did you find Sidis for £26?
Goldmine! Anyone got £20,000?
I'm assuming this is the Belgian Diamant?
Some accounting:
- Assuming a mates-rates LFGSS price of £150/frame, 70 frames is £10,500.
- Plus a premium for the Merkx and Colnago frames, call that £2000.
- 200 NOS tubular rims, if sold at a bargainous £40/pair, are probably worth £4000.
- As for the mysterious 90 wheels... a low estimate of £33/wheel gives £3000.
- The rest, "countless handlebars, saddles, cranks" could be worth anything. But call it £2000 for now.
Total: £21,500
You'd be enriching the fixed gear society, but you''d make little cash. Of course you could charge more, but it may take ages to shift the stock.
- Assuming a mates-rates LFGSS price of £150/frame, 70 frames is £10,500.
eVent is actually a very effective breathable fabric.
I moved from GoreTex PacLite to eVent recently. The PacLite would feel horrible and clammy very quickly on my commute and no amount of venting would help. I can now do my commute in eVent fully zipped up.
+1 for the Rab Momentum hardshell. It weighs 300g and is very breathable and completely waterproof. A great winter jacket. Best bit is the cut, I am 6' 3" and wear a medium, perfect length and snug on the chest and waist.
I too am 6' 3". I always have trouble with jackets being too short on the torso. Is the medium Rab Momentum long enough over your bum when cycling? I also have long torso / short legs though... What's your inside leg?
i live close enough to collect that basso, and i have job now > money. My inside leg is 35" and i'm 6'2", usually ride a 58 ST , 56.5 TT, would that basso be too big for me? If not, please please please let me have it Fazered PLEEEEASE!,
I hate to wee on your bonfire, but if a 56.5cm TT fits you, then isn't a 59cm TT too big?
If anyone fancies a gold brake caliper, lever and seat post...
Pour le poseur:
Currently £62. Notice the badge is held on backwards with only one screw. The seller said he took the badge off to re-chrome and then replaced it.
Yes road DA hubs come in 36h:
And here's potential bargainz:
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/320748772677?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649#ht_500wt_1147 -
Saw this in eBay/craigslist finds thread:
Probably a good idea as long as your date doesn't know you paid $38.50 for it.
Oh Shit #1
I occasionally ride with my university's triathlon society and I finally managed to negotiate a spot in the fast group. I had the oldest bike by probably 20 years, a nice old 531. Everyone else rode carbon and had massive thighs, but I wanted to show I could keep up. About 15 seconds after setting off we started to descend a hill, and I was near the front of the group doing ~20mph. 100m before the first bend I tried to think about good cornering poise, but then managed to kick my crappy old Zefal pump off my seat tube and into the gap between my bottom bracket cluster and my chainset, where it lodged itself firmly. This still baffles me. I tried to pull it up out of the gap, but only succeeded in grabbing and extending the pump handle. I was weaving around at over 20mph, trying to inflate my chainset. Brilliant. I then had a bit of a wobble, tried to correct it one handed and I managed to stay upright. But I lost control and flew straight up a curb, over some grass and ploughed into a 2 foot high garden wall. The bike stopped dead and I somersaulted over the top, and collided with a parked car in some chap's front driveway. I was fine but the bike was trashed. I apologised to the chap in the driveway, accepted my shame and walked home.Oh Shit #2
There are some lovely rolling hills near Meriden, Coventry. As I ascended a hill on a fairly busy B-road, I had cars overtaking me very regularly. No worries until I approach the top where the narrow road bends sharply to the left, forming the blindest of blind corners with tall thick trees on both sides.So cue the inevitable. As I reach this blind corner the torrent of overtaking cars doesn't cease, and I have a grey saloon pulled up level with me on my right. We both crest and spot the oncoming Ocado van at the same time, creating a shared "Oh shit!" moment. This van was only a few seconds away from a head-on collision with the saloon at about 45mph. I was instilled with a sort of wide-eyed terror of impending death. The saloon at this point had no choice but to floor it and swerve across me back into lane. I leaned my body into the bushes on my left, gripped hard and prayed. I believed I'd soon be flying through the air to meet the tarmac. With much beeping of horns and whooshing of air, all three parties somehow emerged unscathed, except for some scratches on my left arm. I had no trouble for the next few hills, as I had a healthy dose of adrenaline.
I'm like 75kg and 1.93m. They'd totally fit me. If only they suited my bank balance too.