you can tell chorus from the better croce d'aune because the croce d'aune is sculpted at the back, so it's thinner looking from the side. difficult to explain but if you had the two together then it would be easy to tell.
i had the brakes for ages and thought i wouldn't ever get a real colnago, there you. a bit like the story of having some bianchi toe straps and thinking i'll never get a bianchi. the week after i find a full chrome 80s bianchi frame and forks.
this is a nice bike but there are a couple of things that bug me and they are the handlebar tape which is badly done and the shifters should be placed above the little notch thing.
i have a nice old bertin which is similar to this bike for sale and i love the little details. i wouldn't sell the bertin for double the price of this bike. i'm amazed noone is intrested in it.
i just bought a very similar colnago with the same details. i was told it was a super. does it have a little club on the top of the rear brake bridge?