Kona rove 61cmSeller also has a nice Ritchey cx bike going
What stoves would people recommend?
Leaning towards a Trangia or something else that uses meths but have heard that they are slower and that meths can be hard to find in some places. Cycling through France this summer, will that be a problem there?
Are gas canisters specific to certain stoves? I have an irrational feeling they are more likely to blow up in a pannier than a meths fuel bottle is in a bottle cage.
I did pretty much your second route as far as Cahersiveen a few years ago and would definitely recommend it. Really beautiful scenery. Seems to be becoming more cycle friendly too as they're currently converting the old railway line to a bike path. Supposed to be great further north too though! Sure you'd have a great time either way.
Think you'd get away with camping if you got permission, I was staying with various relatives though.
Will be cycling through France this summer. Starting in Le Havre and finishing in La Ciotat are my only fixed points but I have arrived on the following route by trying to stay close to national parks and away from major cities as I'm hoping to camp/wild camp.
Keen to know if I'm missing out on anything amazing or passing through anywhere too dreary. Any recommendations appreciated.
853 rock lobster http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/192043474024
Can't seem to get embedding google maps to work. Anyway was wondering if anyone had any suggestions about the route, whether I was missing out on anything cool or anything to avoid. Cheers