Unneeded gubbins for sale.
Remember here All items priced to include postage.
Left to right:Price drops!
- One Tektro r538 long drop front caliper. As new condition. £9...now £7 SOLD!
- Fizik Superlight Microtex tape brown leather style, enough for a set of drops. Fitted once and removed, no wear. £8...now £6 SOLD!
Price drops!
Dibs / PM then feed my Paypal and I will deliver at the speed of light (Royal Mail)... on you go.
- One Tektro r538 long drop front caliper. As new condition. £9...now £7 SOLD!
Nice tune this - Ratatat, Cherry:
] -
buy the one that fits best and makes you smile the most.
+1 and keep your eye on the for sale / offered section of this very forum if you want decent prices and genuine sellers. Maybe create a 'wanted' post with your sizes, likes / dislikes, rough price to see if anyone has anything suitable. There are a lot of helpful, knowledgable folk on here.
All sold.