- |³|MA3K
- smiff
- Hobo
- citygent
- Chainbreaker
- Sam
- conkers
- Cafewanda
- superjoe (even biggermaybe)
- dave4
- xanderh
- Sumo
- middleofnowhere
- richie
- spybot
- mashton (hopefully, baby withstanding)
- Deluka
- TheorySwine
19.Gav86 - Stix
- Fox (never been 21 before)
- Nigel182
- laner
- nelaii
- BlueQuinn
- stevo_com
- Crispin Glover
- S/J
- Samuelson
- pootsmanuva
- ms.chris
- louis theroux
- Webof
- Yasi
- dimi3
- ziska
- harrong
- Jaitch
- PP
- braker
- dbr
- Ho (aka fuji track comp with the aerospokes) looks like a nice route, and i live at both end! haha
- KT Bee
- dublinkevin
- Big Dave
- lardboy
- Yoshka
- nonethewiser
- Tudor Badger
- Stringerman
- Amygdala
- shambolic
- Editors Foot
- Benjam
- Rammo
- |³|MA3K
My mate rushed into bank on highbury islington bike by door turned his back for 2 seconds someone grabbed it and run out he gave chase and caught him on the roundabout chinned him, got away caught him again but guy ended up getting away no one helped?
My mate was gonna chase after him but then realised he had left his bag in the bank which caused a security alert!
Least he got his bike back and the thief got a smash!!
Mate you know what the scum bag looked like I live around there, keep my eyes peeled for other potential nicked bikes :-)