I share a workshop with Geoff and he really does care that you leave with a good frame. His courses are too cheap and he includes far too much if you ask me but that's a bonus if you want to do his course.
The standard of frame you come away with is very good. If you do the course, take your own frame to the painters and compare it to some of the "pros" and you'll see what I mean.
P.s if you ask to do a wishbone or something really awkward to stress him out, I'll buy you a pint in the pub across the road :D
I'll be there. We are in the new builders room. https://www.instagram.com/staalcycles/
They only allow us newbie's two free tickets but Talbot/Isen probably get 10,000 and I'm sure @coldharbour will sort you all out :D
Should be pretty straight forward TBH. Seen much older frames go from 120-130 (that's stronging it imho but it can be done).
Remember that the stays will bow from the bridges as the bending will start below. Sometimes this can look completely wank. The pro way is to take the bridges out and cut new ones to fit the wider spacing.
Was good to meet you @Jingle_Jangle. Your frame looks great!
New seat stay and you'd be looking at around £50.