Bit of a rubbish first post this so apologies in advance!
If you are the owner of a black Giro Saros lid size large can you check what you took home as you may find yourself in possession of my Atmos, also black size large. Obviously picked up by mistake as they do look pretty similar and were sitting next to each other on the picnic benches.
Hopefully it was picked up by someone on here, I'll be back at the track next Saturday so we can swap back.
Was a good session today, a nice day and a pretty brisk pace towards the end. My first back on the track since I packed in racing 15 years ago. It was good to know that I still have some sprint speed in my legs, despite the long hiatus and the fact that the seat post on the hire bike I used wouldn't tighten up properly and I finished the last session with my knees up round my ears...
Was good to meet some of you, I'll definitely be up for more Saturdays and hopefully the Sunday sessions and track league once I get my own bike sorted out.
True, I often find that the sheer force required to stay still on a fixed geared bicycle causes me to completely unscrew a previously tightened fast sprocket.
I don't know my own strength.