anyone know what the deal is with trains and bikes. Apparently there are only 4 bike spaces per train and I havent booked, nor have any of the others. Are we gonna be able to just put them on? Or are they real dicks about it. Adam is doing a bike bag, is that necessary? Brummies, what's your experience of this?
See you at mitch then.
Directions. Go up essex road, almost to where it joins balls pond road. On the right (if coming from south) is a pub called the george orwell. go down that street (Mitchinson Road) and the court is at the end. https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&q=mitchison+road&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x48761c9aef63dab7:0x6b87b0b0c5f54628,Mitchison+Rd,+London+N1+3NJ&gl=uk&ei=-XPsT4buEdKs8QOuruiwBQ&ved=0CAYQ8gEwAA&oi=local_group
41 methinks. well actually 42 but ryan won't let me have it. 1 pound for the win!