Seeing this topic looks the best to ask my question in i thought id ask here. I have been looking to build my own fixie for a while now, and sitting in my garage i had an old bike... after already spending alot of time stripping the bike down and sorting the frame out etc sanding, cutting cable guides off... now im scared i have the wrong frame and i wont be able to run the right wheels or all together the geo could be completely wrong. The bike is a Raleigh MIRAGE..
Right hi all, im new here so take it easy haha. Its weird coming from a bike forum i know ton's about to coming here and knowing nothing about but mehh, ill try.
Iv been reading up alot on Fixed gear bikes, the certain geometry's, gearing stuff like that ... and doing trials i know that you can't just jump on any bike, wheelbase length, rise on the stem and bars, bb height all come into consideration to ride at the best as you can. Im still getting to grips with the fixed gear bike world and its something i want to learn alot about.
But even before i started reading into it all, i thought it would have been a good idea to refurbish my bike... after already spending alot of time stripping the bike down and cutting and grinding stuff off, maybe i have chosen the frame. Im pretty certain that 700c wheels will go in ( correct me if i said that wrong ) and so far everything seems good. But anyway i have taken alot of pictures while iv been working on it, nowhere near finished yet and will add more pictures soon. The bike is a Raleigh Mirage Just would be nice to get some feedback, this forum seems pretty active compared to others.