this is my 'ex' charge plug before it got robbed.... cheap as to build and was so much fun to ride, im like 5'9 and this is a small frame, was perfect for me. I appreciated the charge as it was an easy way to get inolved in the fixie game. so go for it.
Oh and if anyone is selling a nice old crankset or even a crankset of any kind, PM me as i need some bits for my new build.
sorry, not done yet, but if any one sees this around and about i'd love it if you could let me know. darn thieves. x -
Hey Varno, im new to the forum so can't yet PM you, basically im building a new bike from scratch thanks to my old one getting knicked. really fancy some wheels but as im new to building wheels might have to ask you some questions about it all, Help is appreciated and info about what you got would be amazing. sorry for clogging up the page. Ta x
How much for the holdfasts???? dibs