Good work! I'll have a couple to decorate my new wheel covers when I get some of that black shit!
Would be really awesome for tourne's to get some team discs made up. I have a high res copy of the logo, were you thinking of getting them printed on plastic or as a sticker to stick on covers?
Could also get some BHM BIKE POLO disc's made up.
I will bring a bunch of stickers tonight.
I would like to have printed right on the disk. worst case it will be full cover printed vinyl. I think BHM BIKE POLO would be good too. Any design ideas? I PM'ed you my email address to get the logo.
AWESOME - if you get discs cut, let us know. It would be great to have some Black Stabbath ones printed up.
It would be cool to have the blog adress on the stickers if you get another run.
Also, my mate has been too slow on the uptake of the pink bike, so it's yours if you are still interested. Only difference is it will have pink on-one forks, not the grey ones shown. They're slightly longer (and pinker), but probably better quality.
Midnight!? Yikes.
Who has the logo in high resolution?
Will get the web on the next set.
A company called Hollywood Monster http://www.hollywoodmonster.co.uk/index2.html
The quality of the back and crispness is not as good as other jobs they have done for me, so I am going to push for another run. Still great looking.
I am thinking about having them run some wheel disks, as they can print on the material and cut out with a computer guided blade.
Here are a couple useful documents if anyone cares to get bogged down in the legal details. And for future reference.
Playing Field Licence agreement - Word Doc
Lease for space - Word Doc
Here are some of the key point to a lease I would be looking for....
Key features of the standard Meanwhile Lease include:
• A zero or peppercorn rent for the occupier
• A fixed term which provides the landlord with full vacant possession at the end of the lease with no tenancy rights being deemed to have accrued to the tenant
• Landlord and Tenant lease-breaks on short periods of notice (suggested periods are 2 weeks for the tenant, 4 weeks for the landlord). There is a suggested minimum occupation period of 3 months, although this can be deleted to allow a notice to be served at any time.
• Responsibility for business rates by the tenant
• Option for a damage deposit to be held by the landlord
• Limitations on alterations to the property, only to allow for signage and installation of loose shop fittings (or otherwise as agreed)
• Limited repair obligations for the tenant, with a photographic schedule of condition required and a provision that excepts "fair wear and tear"
• Use and hours restrictions and an option to provide that the use may not be for commercial gain or profit
• The possibility of inserting additional agreed terms (in Part II of the lease). Service Charge arrangements may vary – some landlords may recoup the buildings insurance and possibly some overheads through a monthly service charge.Now we need to find some space and landlords willing to talk. This will be tricky as the system here lacks transparency as the agents rule the property world in the UK. Will ask the leasing folks I know how to find space.
Barriers - I have good connections with contractors that would be able to fabricate something. Another thought is portable barriers. they are light until you fill with water.
Link to site for barriers. Not cheap, but I would think they can be found secondhand.
link here -
Hope Last Sunday was good, i was on a mission, which required 2 crashes of a couch due to shite weather, if you struggle to walk in it, sod riding in it. I thought i was arriving home Sat but serious Snow put paid to that, where did that come from??
(binned it last tuesday in same conditions, so thought fuck that, off licence, x box, couch!)
I have at le work some more front wheel material for covers which i will transport home Thursday, sorted.
Lucas, if you want some Ali shout out, i can get a grade better, but albeit not 'thor hammer' spec in 6 meter lengths for a tenner, cut in to 1 meter strips..let me know before i break up for chrimbo sir.
I do want Ali and a tenner sounds like a good deal. Will it be at least as strong as a ski pole? btw I will not be at polo Sunday I have work :(
I am brining 4 mallets, three cones (I think Simple has some as well).
Anyone know a local supplier of HDPE Yellow, Blue or Red 2 inch ~ 63mm diameter pipe (have seen all online but not in UK)? Also, Strait Aluminium Tubing (6061-T6 with 19mm O.D.). Would like to build a dozen or so mallets to see what plays the best.
deep here in Bromsgrove...