Got pinged by the app a few days ago. I'm double vaxxed and having googled it advice says I needn't isolate even if a housemate has Covid.... so what the fuck.
I'm sure I was supposed to update the app at some point with my vax status? But it's actually as clear as mud. My info / interactions with the Zoe app are so very much more useful.
I've deleted the app. I can't be taking time off work because clusterfuck.org.gov can't sort it's advice out. Am I being reckless or is the app just as shite as I think it is?
I'm genuinely a bit annoyed that this dude casts off one handed then suddenly the rod seems to be in the other hand and the hand he was holding the rod with in the first place is free to operate the reel. Where's the fucking continuity? If he wasn't such a solid looking sarcastic type I'd give him a piece of my mind!
Look. Call Me Dave couldn't have been clearer about this when he set out his policies years ago.
"We're all in this together" so it'll be up to the individuals to act as government and to self govern. This includes global pandemic management and the book exchange bin at the local Aldi right? Righty then - as you were... unless you're in a high risk area in which case as you were before or as you weren't, unless you leave the area in which case as we were or as they were but NOT under any circumstances as it is, because IT isn't always as it is and sometimes it's as it was.
Yeah... wouldn't say friend. Our biggest concern was that Pocket would tear Dot apart, but as yet Dot is unaffected and not at all bothered being the blind eating and cuddling machine she is... Pocket is absolutely terrified of going in any part of the house which may mean encountering her - so she's hiding in our bedroom pretty much 24/7.
While we’re on physio talk, did I just make a massive schoolboy error?
I’m seeing a physio / osteo (who is a trusted friend) who has identified a psoas issue has me doing physio exercises twice a day. I saw her in the real world for the first time (Covid) two weeks ago and she gave me acupuncture and a good ol pummelling.
I ran a few ks the next day and did some upper bod weights the day after (plus the prescribed physio) and my back locked up like nobody’s business.
I assume it spasmed to shield something else which shed inflamed. Anyway I’m only now able to get close to bending my back enough to put socks on.
Seeing her again on Thursday. She’s gonna bollock me isn’t she. She didn’t say I should take it easy and I’ve never done osteo / physio massage stuff really. Is it general knowledge that you have to ‘recover’ afterwards?
Anyone else struggling with any contact from Resolute Bay?
A one man band and fair enough... but. I've been caught up in a supply chain issue that seems to be throwing Chris into a spin. Plenty of updates and mail outs to keep customers informed so that's ok I guess.... However I have contacted him twice to inform him that I've moved house and to confirm he has adjusted the address for when the jeans finally arrive and he's ghosting me.
Got my money, jeans delayed by many months, won't answer emails.
Anyone else?
Yes this. But also (like it or not) optics and public support are important and there's more angrys out there than we thought a decade ago and they love a ruck to disapprove of. It bums me out cos my anti gammon arguments get eroded by thuggery and fire starting.
It's true what you say about no peaceful response to fascism... but sometime people are so fucking quick to lob a brick. It's why I stopped protesting... I felt increasingly uncomfortable with the snap to hassle.
Pocket temporarily dossing with us at my parents update. #betweenhomes
She travelled ok. Two meows and one wee between London and Suffolk. Thanks for the advice on calming spray etc. Settled into our ‘wing’ of mum’s gaff (room with a loo) and feels safe there. Pocket is a big fan of Autumn / Spring Watch, so the big window resplendent with country birds from pheasants to tits is proving super popular. She sits on the sill and chirrups (“oh hi, loved you on Winter Watch, that experiment with the feeding station was amazing! Brilliant to see you in person...”
My parents are doing stuff at my grandmother’s house (she passed away) so they’re not here and it’s quiet. We finally let pocket into the main house. She was doing fine until she clapped her eyes on Dot the blind, arthritic old lady cat of the house... Pocket’s response was to stare, back off, puke twice, retreat to the safety of her room and curl one up in her litter tray.
Dot on the other hand, couldn’t care less.
So - you know.... progress of sorts. Hope we can get her confident before the olds return.
This triggered a little thing in me. Silly little prick that I was when I was a kid - I might have actually ended up doing something this daft to draw attention to myself. I had a couple of cringe inducing moments which were mild versions of this (fake choking was one)…. What motivates this stuff? Is it (as suggested) a need for the attention of an unrequited love? Or just a sense of not existing… needing to be seen?
I’ll be honest, I feel a bit sorry for the daft bastard. Seeing all those blues turn up and knowing he got past the point of no return. It’s tragi-comic.