Well at least you’d never get torpedoed.
Edit cos @Greenbank was swifter than I.
I'm guessing that's sarcasm - but isn't the Conservative Party's desire to corral the fringe concerns of Ukip what led to the disaster of Brexit? And conversely - couldn't we argue that centrist bet hedging by the opposition led to a lack of argument against it? It's that panic within the two main parties about accommodating the minority ideologies which leads to irrational outcomes?
My point is that there should be space for reasoned detachment from things like Q in the Republican Party - but they fear losing their base. If US politics was multi party the bigger parties wouldn't have to stay silent in opposition of lunatic minorities.
I don't think that actually makes any difference. Only if his own party gains scary majority numbers (which of course it could). But I generally prefer political landscapes where the lunatic fringe have somewhere to congregate and don't create a tractor beam for generically selfish but otherwise not murderous voters. I don't know why - but I prefer my despot's influence to be less than 50% of a superpower.
Reflecting on today’s news that Trump is whispering the idea that he could start a new political party. I think this could be a good thing. I mean he’d do it as a revenge bomb against more moderate republicans and it would be terrifying if it gained real momentum. But it would probably lead to a broader political landscape than the polarised one we see now and could spark dem splinters too. Imagine if the whole thing was ideologically more open and splintered. That could be good couldn’t it?
Prove me naive...
It’s lovely out there! My “sorry I’m running near you” / Covid snood usually only gets deployed as I approach walkers etc but I admit I just slowed my pace and kept it on today.
I’m loving getting little blocks of 7 - 10 km done two or three times a week at the moment. It feels great to be pounding the pavement again (albeit slowly).... But. I can’t settle on a form. I think I naturally go mid to heel, but forefoot feels less jarring sometimes. I have hip, adductor and an inside knee thing - which I’m sure are all part of the same band issue and being 44. I’ve done a bit of physiotherapist stuff and am getting great relief from the YouTube runners mobility exercises someone posted up thread.. it feels good. But those little pain red flags are there after about three or four miles.
So am I best just reducing effort and distance or is this just something runners live with?
Why aren’t I a fast superhuman? Why!?
Wish my own cat realised how lucky she is. She was an abandoned kitten living in the air space under our flat. Stick thin, not neutered and flea ridden...
8 years of adoration later and she still acts like I’ve thrown ice water over her if I so much as move the crank on my bike or get the track pump out.
All this legal talk... anyone else secretly wishing for a good olfashioned insurrection to spice things up a bit?