Well, as per last year when the funding reared it's ugly head we were given notice by the security company that employed us. We were told another company was taking us on but with about 6 days to go they went silent. So our company cancelled the redundancy and we were still employed by them. This year in or about July we were told we were fucked again and out of a job the 1st Nov. Something has gone on that we are not privy to and now we are Royal Household staff employed by the Duke with a temporary boss from a security company running our admin until such time someone from the RH staff takes the reins. Basically we are more securely employed now than we were (probably). It's obviously cheaper employing us direct and not through a company but I don't know where the filthy lucre is coming from.
It is taught but not trained, so to speak. If you are engaging someone with the same level of PPE as you have got then the place to shoot is the head. Officers do not train headshots as a matter of course because they are trained to stop so are trained to shoot the centre of mass however. The area at which to aim at the driver of a Q8, a tall car, is probably limited to the head.
I have been in a slightly similar situation but we went in through the doors on each side. The two of us were wearing all the bells and whistles but neither of us were pointing guns and we got the guy out of the car with collateral damage of three cars. But we had no info on weapons only that the vehicle had been driven at officers closing the road for a Windsor guard change. It wasn't dark and there was only two of us so our thought processes were different, we could have escalated if necessary but didn't. Sgt Blake and his people were at the sharp end straight away with no time to plan and the suspicion of a firearm, possibly. With the car being driven at them raising suspicions too. Then it's "me or him" and we know the result.
In addition to what has already been written; check engine oil (mineral 20w50), check gearbox oil, check final drive oil (both mineral GL5 SAE 90). Check wheels rotate and then check brakes. then check wheels rotate again. Engage a gear, pull the clutch lever in and see if it will disengage the drive. Then oil/grease stand pivots and anything else that moves about. Is it 2 or 4 spark plugs? The second set are surprisingly expensive. Before you start it make sure the battery is good.