May not be a problem a lot of people have, but at least as far as I can tell, I'm the only person on the internet with my combination of first name and surname. It makes it pretty stupidly easy to directly attribute anything posted under my full name to me, so as a rule of thumb I try and keep to only publicly posting things with my name that I would want a future employer to read, which would probably have kept me from posting about 95% of what I have so far on the forum. I'm aware that if somebody really wanted to, they could figure out who I am from my forum posts easily enough, but I'd rather they couldn't find them as easily as just searching my name.
Why? People have been speculating Google needs to do something big with Motorola, its losing them a pretty significant amount of money, which the X hasn't really mad a significant impact on, and the IP that came with the sale has been shown to be less worthwhile to protect android than it was originally though. So this could be the exact right move for them.
Whilst the Phonebloks idea is still pretty farfetched even with the kind of money and development time google and motorola can throw at it, something very interesting could come out of it, although I dare say there will be at least some difference between the concept and whatever if anything comes out the other end.
Google has apparently sent out invites for an event on the 24th...
I also learned today that Google bought out a small smart watch company about a year ago. Seems to have been under the radar for some time! A company called Wimm who released a watch about a year ago. Perhaps this is who's behind this fabled "Gem" smart watch.
apparently there may not be hardware released at that event, rumour is that although the nexus 5 has cleared the fcc the other hardware set to be released with it has been held up by the government shutdown - more here
Supposedly they have reduced some of the bezel compared to a Nexus 4 and, i think i read a rumour that said it was more like 4.85", so i wonder how much physically bigger it will be than a nexus 4
Dimensions of the device are here, they're from an FCC filing so should be final, confirms the 4.96 inch screen. Also some pretty blurry pictures of it near some rulers here
Im in two minds about the amount of DNFs yesterday.
I would always expect any professional sportsperson to want to finish their World Championships - even if they didn't have a chance of winning. That is also the right thing to do for the fans and younger generations.
But the weather was so bad yesterday that serious injury was possible. Also I think for a lot of the riders the main aims of their season have been and gone in the grand tours. Finally if a british marathon runner gave up half way through a run, presumably they would have their funding taken away - but that isn't the way these guys are funded, so they owe nothing (financially) to them.
I think this point keeps getting overlooked:
They're on a circuit though. Would have been pulled out.
Even if everyone who got dropped from the main pack continued on lapping in the rain just for the sake of finishing the race, a large number of them still would have been lapped and kicked off.
This article discusses obesity and states: 'So we have campaigns based on eating less and more healthily, such as "5-a-day" and exercise - "10,000 steps a day" and the "Change for Life" initiative.'
I don't understand why more rigorous campaigns have been created then, such as the images placed on packets of cigarettes. The Government should stop trying to tackle it with happy, colourful campaigns and just present the facts. Obesity is just as dangerous as smoking.
Those campaigns are trying to change peoples behaviour, even if its only small positive steps they're aiming for. There's some evidence to suggest that overly negative messaging can lead those in extreme user groups (such as heavily overweight/obese) to do the exact opposite of the intended message, so smoking like campaigns could lead to some of those who already overeat binging rather than slowing down.
Five a day is a good example of this, the real number should probably be higher than five, that being a number chosen because it seems achievable to the majority of people, and if they make the effort to try and keep eating five a day, that behaviour could lead to them eating more than that.
I have several calling apps: viber, whatsapp and the native phone. I'm tired of all the button pushes required to make a phone call. How/where in preferences do I set it to just default to the native phone for calls (using an S3)?
There are apps like default app manager on the play store that should allow you to globally overwrite the default app chosen for a given action pretty easily.
I'd expect pretty decent support for Nexus devices, word is KitKat will be extending support to lower end devices, anything running 512mb of ram or more. The original Nexus 10 is only a year old so I'd expect to see it get the update soon after launch along with the 4.