Looked at the website, only 6% of vehicles sold were its most efficient models.
That suggests that only 6% of the vehicle buying public wanted them.
Increased sales of the lowest co2 class (read small) would mean increase in second car segment, city dwellers formerly using transit segment. Which means advance in private auto-mobility. If blue motion Polo wont do that, we have to wait for a more budget, cooler and green (or washed) alternative. Imagine equivalent of electric Tata Nano made by some inherently cool corporation like Apple or Google.
We suburban soccer dads will continue to get the big ship to haul all our suburban stuff.
What's the first rap song to feature non-English lyrics?
I'll say it's the first released single from the Original Rapper, with its' Amharic intro.
1969 ole skool:U Roy & Peter Tosh - Earths Rightful Ruler - YouTube
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