Hi all,
I have recently bought my first frame and I'm trying to get all the parts ready to build it up. I'm having trouble knowing what crank sets will fit my BB. The code is TH BB-7420ST 68/103, and the square tapers are I think JIS.
Pretty steep learning curve in this game, so bear with me, I looked elsewhere for an answer to this dilemma to no avail...
Thanks soul - that would fit the bill I reckon. When you say decent(ish) what does that mean exactly!? Would you reccomend holding out for something second hand on ebay or the classifieds here, or just going for those? They are pretty cheap...
I just got outbid on these: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270625388098&ssPageName=STRK:MEDWX:IT. Liked the look of 'em!
Its kinda hard to get used to what things are worth in this game... although quickly becoming absorbed in the world of fixies!
Oops - I edited the post and forgot to mention that I'd need postage... thanks for your help though man! I have been pouring over the classifieds and missed that one! Still searching then!