Bit weird spoke to Ian for the first time in 20+ years?? Asked about his BBAR bike and he had just put it on Ebay 5 minutes earlier!
Same bike if not 'the' bike on Cyclings Poll
i have exact same paint job on my rourke track bike, lovely in the flesh
That colour is one of my creations. :)
My mountain bike was blue then silver into pink and my wife's (then girlfriend) had one blue then silver into green, my bike was always around the shop so they really caught on, did loads in all colour combos. I'll try to find some pics.
Hi everyone, Hope Technology asked me to build a bike to show their new Fixee Hub in Berlin, thought it may be of interest.
DSCN7279 by Rourke Bikes, on Flickr
DSCN7260 by Rourke Bikes, on Flickr
DSCN7266 by Rourke Bikes, on Flickr
DSCN7278 by Rourke Bikes, on Flickr
DSCN7278 by Rourke Bikes, on Flickr
DSCN7268 by Rourke Bikes, on Flickr
DSCN7253 by Rourke Bikes, on Flickr
DSCN7250 by Rourke Bikes, on FlickrThanks for looking. :)
Edit. The rims have just got to have blacked out transfers on yet.
Sorry not been site for a while, I'm still available for anyone that wants info on frames they may pick up on here.
Built a 953 Track frame that may be of interest.
Hi Guys,
Thought I'd give you heads up on this, we've built a bike for IOM TT rider Guy Martin to attempt British record of over 110mph.
It will feature in the first episode in a 6 part series starting on December 29th Channel 4 called Speed. How to make things go really fast.
Set your sky plus!