Brendan O'Neill was right I suppose when he said that attempting to legislate against any form of speech becomes an attack on liberty
If he's right about that then I suppose we'd better legalise racial harassment while we're at it. We wouldn't, as a democratic nation, want to infringe the rights of any bigot to intimidate or harass any group, whether they are grouped by ethnicity, age, or gender. Or anything else, I suppose.
Guns are rubbish in the long run, I'd rather become an expert trapsmen... then the city's not so bad either.
Gravity = plentiful resource.
Word. When there are no more bullets on the earth, the dead will walk all over your pansy gun-reliant ass. Also you'd have to worry about how the zombification was actually contracted/spread - what if it's passed in bodily fluids? Not a good idea to be spraying guts out all over the shop if airborne fluids are a danger. This may also rule out burning bodies pre-emptively (or even post-emptively, if that's a word). I say dig a big hole in the ground, line it with a few feet of concrete and then just lure 'em in and leave them there until they rot. Oh, even better, let's put some thermal casing in to keep the temperature high so the decomposition process is accelerated.
This plan, whilst obviously excellent, will take lots of time to implement, so I would advise hazmat suits and lots of piano wire strung around at neck-height in the interim.
Lies ... Everyone poor web dev goes on about how IE6 and IE7 break the box model. It doesn't, my margin and paddings work as expected.
The only time I have to use alternative style sheets is when the browser doesn't have the feature i.e. Alpha PNG support or inline-block. Then again I write pixel perfect CSS, so this eliminates 99% of the problems straight away.
The funny thing is that I used to say the same thing. Somewhere along the line I changed my mind, though, particularly since I started doing work on super-massive projects with a crap-ton of dependencies and weird overrides which makes the smallest updates akin to picking your way through a minefield. Perhaps "box model" is the wrong phrasing - "engine" perhaps would have been more appropriate since IE's issues aren't so easily reducable to the box model misinterpretations (which do, of course, exist but only affect a limited number of use cases).
The various afflictions of haslayout are probably my main gripe with IE, along with the occasional guillotine bug. These are particularly frustrating when they originate from mystery parts of code that you don't personally have much control over but also spring up from different triggers depending on which version of the browser you're using.
I would love to be able to sit down and write pixel-perfect CSS but I generally work with content management systems, generally written by various other companies. When one inherits lots of code, one develops headaches. I liked your aggressive assumptions about my ability, though ;)
Primarily though, my main reason for preferring it is that it doesn't make a fucking infuriatingly annoying clicking noise every time I click a link like IE does - my mouse already does that, why the hell would I want my browser to do it too?!
This is obviously post necromancy, but there is actually a very good reason for that - accessibility. It's aimed at blind/partially-sighted users or users with mobility problems who can't work a mouse, allowing them to get the same 'click' feedback that other users would get. It can also be turned off ;)
I'm also a web developer (front-end flavoured) and I'm not really looking forward to IE9 becoming semi-mainstream because they're guaranteed to fuck up the box model somewhere for the umpteenth time. Development for IE is like death by 1000 tiny layout anomalies and I have no reason to expect their latest one to be any different.
Last couple I read were Jenny Finn: Doom Messiah (Mike Mignola, short but fun) and the compilation of the complete Jeff Smith's Bone (not in the least bit short but also fun).
Think I'm probably in the minority in that I do actually like superhero stuff, but I've never really been that into the big name ones. Think my favourite superhero series is probably the Doom Patrol which is uncannily similar to the X-men in many respects (in fact the writer of Doom Patrol has accused Stan Lee of nicking his idea). Doom Patrol's much better, though ;)
A few times I've called out at people in the road in London, who make absolutely no movement, only to realise they're foreign and this don't respond so readily to LOOK OUT! One time a french kid actually stepped backwards further into the road just as i was going round him, luckily i'd slowed down.
I think i need to practice me shouting. I feel too embarrassed to do it properly... it's more like "erm, AHEM. 'scuse me. sorry."
One of my old flatmates used to have a similar problem on foot in Tube stations so he started to clap really loudly in their ears once he was up close, like you would at a flock of geese. This is not so easy on a bike so a hearty "AAAAAAAAAARGH" in its place ought to do the trick, crazy banshee style. No understanding of English required to get that ;)
I stuck my finger up at a bunch of school children, after one said something to me. Even though I had no idea what they said, and it could well have been something positive. I'm sure regardless of what they said they'll have deserved it for something anyway.
I confess that the first time I read this I read it as "stuck my finger up a bunch of school children" and instead of my first thought being "oh i must have misread that" it was "but why would you post this on a public forum?". Luckily I went back and corrected my interpretation before getting to the "they were asking for it anyway" parts.
Not so much cycling, but horses: http://www.jodhpurs.co.uk/mens/breeches/index:funnelsearch.html
A fine pair of camel coloured breeches ought to go nicely with tweed, especially if you top them off with a pair of shiny gent's riding boots.
At Newington Butts just down from E&C roundabout early this evening, a lady Standing In Teh Road, straddling her BICYCLE, sheepishly watching the traffic zooming about all around her.
Was unable to tell if she had somehow got herself there accidentally or if she was one of you lot trying out the trend, and too awestruck at the positioning and circumstance to fumble my camera out in time. A true British heroine.
Today I saw him, oh him!! ...the man - Seasick Steve - coming out from a record shop and a bag full of records. I stopped him to say hello, and get an embarrasing 'fan pic' .
How odd, I've been listening to his music all arvo so far. Did he let you rummage in his record bag? I'd love to see what sort of tunes he buys for himself
I did something very stupid the other day.
Riding along north bank between chelsea and pimlico along the main road (40mh I think), I noticed a cycle lane on the very wide pavement, so I swerved onto it to relax away from the speeding cars, only to find it was only 100m ish long!? As I was annoyed at such a stupid setup I didn't give my re-entry to the main road much consideration and came about 2cm from a speeding mazda.
Really close to something seriously bad.
Only this morning I took out some poor bastard's left-hand wing mirror in standing traffic because I thought "fuck it, i can get through that 3 inch gap he's left from the curb NO PROBLEM"
Could still hear him beeping furiously at me from about 3 miles away .
Since when do shotguns set people on fire?!