This does the job for me
Probably be easier/cheaper to take a bike with you. Plenty of good riding for your weekend there...you get into mini mountains pretty quickly and the big mountains are reachable if you did an overnight stay.
During the week......perhaps there are some colleagues to have drinks with. There are some decent bars......https://www.lataqueria.ch is good for Mexican food.
That’s a lot of plot and a lot of brambles!. I’d say you’d want a petrol strimmer or something like that. Digging out brambles roots is very difficult and for an area that big a huge task. I’d just start with a manageable area….getting some things growing for your first year. Looks like you’ve got some rhubarb there?
This is my point put in a more accurate way.
If the answer to why we have had so many years of corruption, self serving politicians, excessive capitalism, redistribution of wealth from working people to billionaires, ignoring and encouraging climate change, support for genocide etc etc etc is because they are Cs then it feels a bit blunt and alienating to a large proportion of people.
Nice one. Seems like a Bulgarian roastery