Wearwell have a sale on https://www.wearwell.cc
He needs to get a portfolio together of art (not tattoos) and take it in person to studios. Maybe he might get lucky but it's harder than ever (I'm led to believe) to get an apprenticeship in a half decent shop nowadays. There is no course for tattoooing that anyone will take seriously. It's a money making scheme. It takes hard graft to become and complete an apprenticeship.
Had two knee ops from this guy who's well respected I believe https://www.bmihealthcare.co.uk/consultants/adrian-james-wilson
@jakemcree When I got tattoed by him a couple years ago he used to open his books for a couple of months at a time so not a long wait. You had to get in quick though to book in that period. Speak to Blue at into you and she'll let you know when his book opens next then call them first thing that day.
British Beard Championships again this year http://www.tbbmc.co.uk/
Currently buying a house that needs a new kitchen before we move in so had Howdens come out and price up the job (allowed access by the seller).
My question is do I apply for the personal loan to pay for it before or after the sale goes through?
Had the mortgage approved and currently at searches stage with the solicitors, would getting the loan now effect the mortgage at this stage?
We've got a 10% deposit so would getting the loan just after the sale be a problem as the loan would be nearly half the deposit value?
The new kitchen would add a good amount to the value of the property but I can't borrow against the property at the moment as I'm getting a 2 year fixed?
Is this usable/good for the money?
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200999625950?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649For use with a Fuji Feather but been on eBay a while
Great video http://www.moving-picture.com/work/mr-x
Back on 8th April from Brixton Cycles. May attend this years for the first time.