hmmmm I was having a look at some in the general classified's and they're 40s and they look too wide... Thanks anyway though :P ,appreciated
looking for something along the lines of these
http://affinitycycles.com/store/nitto-b123-track-bar.html -
yeah Fionelo, welcome to the forum, the place where you get shot down in flames for having the 'wrong' cranks....
lol genius comment
Also it looks like you have the chain on the freewheel side?
Not sure on the colour
oh it appears I do have the chain on the freewheel side... what a foolish thing to do, I think I'll go saw off a limb -_-
Dude what does it matter to you? I'm going through a coasting phase at the moment.
As for your comment on my choice of colour, I am insulted(!)
It's my bike... I pick the colour scheme -
absolutely awesome