There's a follow up article today
Describing the latest incident, he said: "That road narrows so you have to take the middle lane or someone will knock you off and you will end up in the railings.
"This chap tried to force his way past me but there wasn’t enough room for me, him and the cars coming in the other direction.
"He was so close to me I was able to bang on the side of his car and shout ‘oi’ at him. I thought he was going to knock me over. He didn’t back off and then drove in towards me. I was pinned against the railings. He grabbed hold of me and gave me a load of abuse. But he was in the wrong."
They can only have so many people per-shed and your card is only activated for one. I think the deposit is to try and stop people signing up and wasting spaces.
Just found this:
Is a payment required?
Yes. A nominal returnable deposit will be made (payment by cheque only) to encourage regular use of the facility. This will be returned when the user identifies that they no longer wish to use the facility.
Sorry, just reread the page and your right.
Dont understand the justification for a £25 deposit though!?I'm a lab tech in EPS, you?
I'm pretty sure you get it back, I looked into it a while back, but the sheds near me were full at the time. You used to be able to get your swipe card activated for the cages under the arches up by Sackville for free (although they changed this 3-4 months ago and I'm not sure what the new policy is).
I used to work for EPS, now I'm over in Humanities.. (oops!)
langster frameset, inc seatpost headset and some other bits.
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs258.snc4/40249_1581845551164_1386468941_31575203_5941273_n.jpgHoldsworth la quelda road frameset, spraypainted orange and antique white to look a bit like this** http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p...h/CIMG0157.jpg**.
How big/how much are the either of these?