(yes being close to manufacture isn't a factor - shipping is very cheap - costs more getting from dockside to store, and again from store to door than from factory to overseas port).
I'd just read the Oriental Carbon thread when I posted, so I think I envisaged the cost of shipping a single frame straight from the source rather than container ships.
Are groupsets cheaper in Japan?
tyres which comfortably outperform any Tufo in an artificial test on a roller
Each tyre design responds differently to changes in roller radius. I believe roller tests are useful when designing tyres but a test on a real surface is the only (yet difficult to control properly) way to properly compare them.
- #dckbrn (TS, IDoNothing, hamsandwich)
- Alan & Brian's softfurnishings (John, Sandy, Louis)
- Spring Break (Adam, Jono, Ali)
- Passed It
- Netto Superstars(Chan, Mirek,Lebowski)
- Nice Touch!
- Next Polo Trend (Alex, Ben, Robbie Warin)
- Name tbc (Emmet, B., Pompon)
- Polo Erectus (Neil, Rob, Emyr)
- Mallet Ballet(Josh,Luca,Lee)
- Mmm... (Matt, Mickey, Mayeut)
- hasta la cocina (erin, jo, ali)
- Back to TBC (Ju,Chris (kaos), ??)
- Psyclone's lengthy and tiresome team name (Alfie,crumb,...)
- Urban shorts (Tim Warin,Ady Hacked Off,Moog)
- Team Minty (Josh, Sam, Nick(New guys - cambridge)
- The Flying Vs (.Vi., almacabra, Arunas)
- Lascivious Lacerators (Harvey (Fen Boi), Emo-Beard Chris (killa B's), Rich (Hacked off)
- TBC (Bogey, Woody, Andy)
- Kings
- #dckbrn (TS, IDoNothing, hamsandwich)
From thursday 29th: 2-up bike stand, £30:
Any Bristol Polo folk fancy a rigid Sunn with what look like horizontal dropouts?
Currently £40
horizontal dropouts, red or green £170.