A red light is a red light - the law says stop, so you stop.
If you're an anarchistical (new word, go me!) type who wants to play by your own fucking rules don't moan when you get a £30fp
Maybe we should remove all traffic laws and then see how safe we are on the roads
end rant
simon jenkins is wrong about almost everything. but maybe not this...
the 2009 tap might just hit your friend's price range..
that junction is a little confusing - the way navarro road is one way in two different directions from the junction, with contraflow cycle lanes on different sides of the road. and in latvia they drive on the right. if she was used to driving/cycling there, and only came here in june, and had just started cycling here, i suspect it was just enough contradictory information to let her look left, out of habit, rather than right, at the junction.. hope she pulls through...
removal of the congestion charge extension is going ahead. will result in more congestion, more pollution, more CO2, less cycling, less walking - according to tfl..
you can object here, before august 2nd..
maybe there's a lesson here for others in the same situation - if you lend a bike, don't lend locks with it. in the end, any lock can be cut in five minutes, if the thief is determined - so the protection is mostly illusory... but many people don't know that - and they'll put their trust in something like a fahgeddaboutit, believing it to be totally secure...