It's satire. Crude, heavy-handed satire at that.
haha you're right, shame how hard it is to tell the jokes from the serious.
classic headlines on the frontpage of that site.
"Massive Ice Chunk Breaks off Greenland Glacier, Gays Responsible for Geography Change"
"Terror Babies, The Scary New Threat Against America"
"The Dirty Girl Trend: Is There Anything Less Attractive Than a Young, Promiscuous Coke Addict Who Doesn’t Bathe?"
look at this fucking sex-addicted homosexual hipster
"Sodomy, masturbation, drugs, addiction and an absolute vacancy of the soul."
sigh, my life is so lacking...christwire? US's 'fair' share of global resources? Oil-rich Islamics with outposts in our land?
there's so much fail in the first couple of paragraphs I stopped reading.
With the utmost respect, dear chap, this does sound rather Daily Mail in the sweeping nature of your admitted stereotyping. Let's not lower ourselves to those standards. There are good drivers of BMWs as well as bad and there are poor cyclists as well as able ones.
yes you're right, but in my travels around west london I have found a disproportionate amount of reckless, dangerous and general inattentiveness in drivers of range rovers, Porsche Cayennes and BMW/Audio/Volvo whatever massive expensive SUV type vehicles.
there's really two sides to the argument (like most things)
It seems that helmet laws discourage bike use and more cyclists on the road means safer cycling environment. Also drivers may give more room to non-helmeted cyclists so may decrease the liklihood of an accident.BUT all things being equal (which they're obviously not) I'm still not convinced that not wearing a helmet is safer in the event of an accident. Yes there seem to be certain collisions where a helmet creates extra trauma but I've yet to see proper evidence that wearing a helmet is less safe than wearing one in a collision.
So it really comes down to whether you want to trust the population based studies or the emergency room outcomes.
Does anyone know if there's real, sciency truth to this btw? I know that I feel better when I eat like this but don't recall reading any proper research on it.
this is balls. It doesn't matter what time of day you take in your calories (apart from not eating breakfast slows your metabolism a bit) it's about total calorie intake.
I think it just comes from the situation where if you eat fuckall during the day you then pig out at dinner and eat way too much, so people assume the opposite is better.
I'm off cooking a Feijoada, but the portuguese version, not the Brazilian.
[farty time!]
cooked a massive brazilian one of these for a party. pigs ears and tails etc etc. good times. not farty if you soak the beans for at least 24 hours (48 is better) before you cook it.
anyone know where I can find some good pho in London? I've been to 'pho' in soho and it was average.
it's not in the highway code. Recommended, but not compulsory.
correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the best use of an isolator is when you have a multi speaker system i.e. seperate bass bins and mids/tweeters elsewhere allowing you to optimise the signal between the the different amps that service them?
nope, that would be an external crossover. they are designed for tuning response between separate speaker cabs. An isolater is kind of like the eqs on a regular mixer, you use it when mixing between tracks etc. note the fancy rotary mixers don't tend to have eqs hence the isolator.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-10888435when they know there is a camera (in their own car) videoing everything? The stupidity is mindblowing.
I think the anti-Taiwan feeling is a bit like the 'jap crap' consensus that was around in the 70s and continued into the 80s even though by that time Japanese quality had overtaken everything in terms of build quality.
Now there is still some shit made in Taiwan but their manufacturing is pretty damn good, all in all.Edit. I do not own nor recommend a create :)
Hercules in New York ,One of the worst films ive seen, but funny as fuck when Hercules (Arnold Schwarzenegger) goes to see his dad Zeus in the clouds (Central Park NYC) and you can hear taxis and cars beeping their horns in the background.
Oh yeah this is a fantastic film.
One of my favourite crap movies is 'knock-off' starring jcvd in his heavy coke days and Rob Schneider. It's a total mess of confused plotlines, bad effects and woeful script. Recommended.
I reported a black cab driver who cut me off turning out onto the road I was cycling down and apologised with a torrent of abuse about how I should be (fucking) riding in the (fucking) gutter.
emailed PCO about it and got fobbed off with a standard response, that basically amounted to if I had a complaint I should contact the police, as they don't give a fuck.
Police next time.